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Product Design Internship at Stuff

The Stuff Intern position is an opportunity to see, first-hand, how they produce the products in their studios.

According to Stuff, “The Intern™ position is a paid gig. We offer 3 or 6 month-long terms, but we can be flexible to your timeline. Short-term employment is the leverage. Since the position starts with a known end date, we both have an objective to try and pack in as much experience, production, inspiration, and teaching. Let's make Stuff together!”

This position is not recommend for post-graduation design students because it's more of a manufacturing-type position. The day-to-day work is more along the lines of pre-production, component preparation, packaging, oiling, and other tasks. The position is intended to be for people who were interested in the field to see first-hand how stuff is made. In their words, "it's like a really cool factory job."