Industrial and Innovative Design
Industrial designers use design process and design thinking methodologies to empathize with users in order to develop consumer products, furniture, interior spaces, architectural structures and mobility solutions specific to their needs.
The International Center for Creativity, in partnership with Cedarville University, offers a Bachelor of Arts in Industrial and Innovative Design.
Only accredited industrial design major offered by any evangelical Christian university
High job placement at some of the most recognizable brands
Industrial Design
Industrial design lives at the intersections of business, engineering and art, and industrial designers are found in every kind of industry that relies on product innovation, previsualization and the creation of “what’s next.” Industrial designers use a systematic approach in creative problem solving with a focus on consumer product design, transportation design, architectural interior space design and architectural exterior space design.
Using tools like design thinking, consumer insights research, rapid sketch ideation, prototyping, 3D CAD modeling, marketing-based product launches and presentations, industrial designers are continuing to shape the future of the spaces where we live, work, play and worship, the products we use for everyday life, and the ways that we get from point to point.
Our Program
Be inspired when you learn about the education and training that is happening at the International Center for Creativity. Hear from university juniors and seniors about their day-to-day experiences in this unique academic partnership between the ICC and Cedarville University.
Nearly a decade ago the ICC partnered with Cedarville to add the Industrial and Innovative Design major to the university’s offering of over 150 programs, and the major has quickly grown to become one of the top-five majors on campus, and has also achieved a national ranking of fifth in the entire country for academic excellence and value.
Fully-accredited, nationally-ranked, liberal arts degree, providing rigorous, experiential-learning opportunities and market-relevant student experiences from industry practitioners.
The only accredited industrial design major offered by any evangelical Christian university.
Better preparation for a diverse job market by delivering four primary disciplines for each student, creating a rich portfolio and more career path options.
Consumer product design
Transportation design
Architectural interior space design
Architectural exterior space design
The ICC also delivers secondary coursework that is shaped by our professional advisory board, industry best practices, and through a Constant Quality Improvement (CQI) process that is unique to the ICC, and includes:
Design Thinking
Consumer Insights
Innovation and Entrepreneurialism
Rapid Prototyping
Professional Ethics and Practices for the Workplace
Storytelling and Presentations
Students are classified as "off-campus" students per the student handbook, and most live within five miles of the studio.
Cedarville support function continue through Career Services, The Cove Academic Enrichment Center, and more.
Completion of the Bible minor coursework can continue while at the ICC through summer terms and/or online courses, depending the needs of the student and their level of completion of the minor by the time that they transition.
All payments and accreditation are administered through Cedarville and the ICC academic calendar is usually identical to main campus’ for continuity and consistency.
The degree is awarded by Cedarville University.
Student Experience
ICC students are immersed in a rigorous and experiential-learning environment.
Enrolling and being accepted into the Industrial and Innovative Design major can deliver the best of two worlds for your college experience. You’ll spend two years on Cedarville’s beautiful main campus in a traditional, residential campus setting complete with daily chapels, campus sports activities, cafeteria and dorm life, prior to transitioning to ICC’s professional studio setting in a residential suburb of Columbus for your junior and senior years.
And Columbus is considered to be one of the top communities in the country, recognized by Forbes, USA Today and others, for innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.
You’ll be immersed in 3D design development with access to professional engagement, internship opportunities, a vibrant church and ministry community, all while maintaining your status and community covenant as a full-time Cedarville student.
Even though the ICC maintains an independent campus, your Cedarville experience continues, with Biblical integration into the curriculum, spiritual life development opportunities, small classes with caring professors and academic excellence.
Where They Work
While nearly 85% of CU/ICC graduates are working in design-related fields, most importantly they have been equipped to be God’s creative image bearers, to live, love, and learn with leadership wherever they live, work and play.
CU/ICC graduates have blazed trails to some of the most recognizable brands and consulting firms in the country. A few have even started their own businesses.
Industrial design graduates typically work in one of three areas – corporations, agencies/firms or as independent contractors. Our students are currently working in corporations like Bose, Nike, Honda, General Dynamics, Reebok, New Balance, Sterilite, and AEP to name a few. They are also contributors in major consulting firms like Sundberg-Ferar, Lextant, Worthington Industries, Gensler, Priority Designs, Zukun Plan, Continental Office, WD Partners, PlanIt Studios and more. Several students are also successfully running their own businesses.