Innovative Programs

The ICC exists to become a globally-recognized leader in innovation education. To achieve this goal, we have developed both domestic and international programs that promote excellence, integrity, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship for schools, universities, design studios, working professionals, entrepreneurs and corporations. Each of our programs have been custom deployments to solve specific needs. What are you trying to solve? We would love to deploy our team to work alongside of yours to accomplish things that you haven’t even dreamed about yet!

K-12, Innovation School

The Kosovo Leadership Academy was created to help to re-shape the nation after Kosovo’s devastating war for independence in 2008 and 2009. The ICC collaborates on curriculum, participates on the school board, sends students to teach abroad and practices the ministry of refreshment.

BA, Industrial + Innovative Design

Partnered with Cedarville University, the ICC offers the only Evangelical Christian industrial design education programs in the world. Learn more about this nationally-ranked program and the success of our students.

MBA, Innovation + Entrepreneurship

The ICC developed and teaches four courses within the Cedarville University MBA track to offer a concentration in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Topics include emerging trends, design thinking, business modeling, new venture creation and entrepreneurship.

Corporate Services

Alongside education, the ICC is a working studio and we provide creativity services to our clients across the globe. We can host retreats, facilitate strategic planning, lead workshops and provide keynote presentations. We also offer contracted creative services to design firms and corporations to extend their capacity in the areas of product identification, product development, tech packs, rapid sketch rendering and ideation, digital sketching and development, and design thinking activities.