< BACK | MARCH 17, 2022

ICC Team Continues to Grow

March 17, 2022

As the ICC continues to grow it is also adding new team members. Welcome everyone!

Jacob Tesmer (ICC/CU Class of 2016) has joined the ICC as a fulltime instructor after working as a classroom assistant for the last three school years. He will begin working towards his masters degree this fall so he can become an instructor of record.

Tim Phipps, Technical Director and Production Manager at Cedarville University is now also part of the ICC adjunct instructing team, teaching two courses in the MBA concentration in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and three courses in the new MA in Innovation. Tim is also joining the undergraduate team bringing his knowledge and experience through his MA in Design Thinking for the ICC senior capstone research course.

Renee Vidor, author, entrepreneur, and life coach, is joining the ICC team to create and run a women's ministry and mentorship program for the undergraduate female students attending the ICC.


Ryan Dowd, principle designer at R. Dowd Design has joined the ICC team as a product design adjunct professor. Ryan led an intensive summer workshop program in shoe design at the ICC last summer and taught his first course at the ICC this past fall.

Jessica Polsdorfer has joined the ICC as the social media marketing manager and has been leading the studio's digital presence since January.