Earn a Professional Badge in Experiential Interior Design

from the International Center for Creativity


Part of the excitement of being in design is that it is constantly changing and that it is so diverse in its applications. With that comes a need to become and stay competitive in fields and individual industries through hyper-specific and market-relevant knowledge and skill training that is created and taught by designers for designers who want that competitive edge. The ICC’s Industry Badge program in Experiential Interior Design will help you become the lifelong learner that you desire to be and to learn and network with the best designers in the industry!

The Experiential Interior Design Professional Badge is made up of three, one-week foundational classes taught by industry experts and a portfolio project.

  • Week 1: Advanced Visualization Techniques for Experiential Interior Design
    Advanced Visualization Techniques explores what connects people and brands inside of spaces. It is presented by various industry professionals including Elisabeth Goodrow (Brand Designer at Gensler), Tyler Hagy (Product Designer at IGS Energy) and Rebekah Dinse (Senior Environmental Designer at ChangeUp, Inc.). This one-week course is both a stand-alone ICC Foundation badge, and also counts towards an ICC Professional badge.

  • Week 2: Furniture, Fixtures and Lighting for Experiential Interior Design
    Furniture, Fixtures and Lighting delivers both the philosophy and the practical impact these design elements make on people inside of designed spaces. It is presented by Andrew McQuilkin, Design Leader at BHDP Architects. This one-week course is both a stand-alone ICC Foundation badge, and also counts towards an ICC Professional badge.

  • Week 3: Revit for Experiential Interior Design
    Revit CAD Software will instruct how to transform experiential interior design concepts into visually-impactful, compelling and realistic digital renders. This class is team-taught by multiple instructors from the International Center for Creativity staff. This one-week course is both a stand-alone ICC Foundation badge, and also counts towards an ICC professional badge.

  • Experiential Interior Design Final Project
    After completing the 3-week series outlined above, participants will be eligible for an ICC Professional badge in Experiential Interior Design by creating and submitting a final portfolio project that synthesizes elements from each week’s content. Projects will be reviewed by industry professionals and feedback will be provided. With the successful completion and evaluation of the portfolio project, the Professional Badge in Experiential Interior Design will also be issued

What is Experiential Interior Design?

According to Continental Office Systems, one of the Midwest’s largest and most respected space design firms, “experiential design is how people interact with a space in order to gain an understanding of what an organization's brand is all about. It connects people to places.”

Terramai, a leader in reclaimed wood products, provides some additional insights from experts in their article, Experiential Design and Interior Spaces: The New Movement that is Shaping the Way We Connect.

Essentially, experiential design prioritizes human interaction with a built environment. In a commercial context, this means strategically using design elements to elicit an emotional connection to a brand and immerse occupants in a narrative. Today, creating an experience is more important than ever before. In its 2017 Experience Index, Gensler notes that “the human experience must be the driving force behind every element of a space – from the design of physical space to the qualities of interaction, expectation, and intention.

In practice, this can take many different forms, but above all, engagement and emotional connection are the foundation of experiential design. If a space doesn’t allow its occupants to feel connected, it’s not experiential.

As more architects and designers are considering what it means to build human-centric spaces, experiential design is rapidly becoming more mainstream. Design is becoming increasingly less about current trends and more about meeting human needs. When people have a quality experience in a space, they are more engaged. Engagement translates into more productive workers, more customers and more social shares of well-designed spaces. The role of experiential design is only bound to grow.

For more information on experiential interior design, visit:

Register Today: Experiential Interior Design

What is a digital badge?

An ICC digital badge indicates the successful completion of a non-accredited standardized course or topic. All courses and topics must meet pre-defined criteria including, but not limited to, total contact hours, instructor credentials, assessment, and feedback. Digital badges can be displayed personally online to help self-promote accomplishments. Viewers of the digital badges can then follow links to learn about the criteria and objectives of each course. Badge aggregator websites are also searchable to find employment candidates that meet specific criteria.

ICC digital credentials managed by Credly.


College students and industry professionals involved in industrial design, architecture, experiential design, wayfinding, furniture design, retail space design or other related fields.


The ICC Experiential Interior Design Professional Badge consists of three stacked, ICC Foundation badges. All ICC badges adhere to a strict set of published standards created in collaboration with industry professionals and to recognized learning assessment methodologies and measurements. Badges do not count towards degree completion and are not accredited.


International Center for Creativity
4675 Lakehurst Court, Dublin, OH 43016, USA.


Three weeks starting May 16, 2022 and ending June 3, 2022.

Week 1 (Monday through Thursday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm): Foundation Badge in Advanced visualization techniques for experiential interior design

Week 2 (Monday through Thursday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm): Foundation Badge in Furniture, fixtures and lighting for experiential interior design

Week 3 (Tuesday through Friday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm - Note: Monday is Memorial Day): Foundation Badge in turning experiential interior design concepts into reality using Revit


Gain creative skills and knowledge in experiential interior design in order to gain a competitive edge in your career preparedness and search, stand out for career advancement opportunities or to simply sharpen your skills.


Led by industry experts via a hybrid model.

In-person, accelerated events @ the ICC.

Hands-on, experiential environment.

In-room feedback via classroom facilitator.

Access to relevant technology and software licenses.


Each weekly foundation badge can be taken individually for $399/each. Or, sign up for the complete three-week series to receive your Professional Badge in Experiential Interior Design for $1,197 total.